What are some tech or mobile app terms I may hear or see Primary Record talking about?

Outside of our in-app and healthcare terms, here are some other tech terms you may hear us talk about.


A connection between two software applications that allows for the transition of data or triggering of events in another system. The service to connect a patient portal to store medical data in Primary Record is an example of an integration.


An acronym that stands for Software as a Service. This software can be accessed via a web browser without installing the software on a device.

The web application primaryrecord.app is an example of this type of software that acts as a service to help families simplify collecting, organizing, and sharing medical information.

Progressive Web Application (PWA)

PWAs are browser-based applications or software with features and functions that operate like an application downloaded to a mobile device via an app store like Apple or Google.

Application Programming Interface (API)

Software engineers use these interfaces to develop software integrations to make your life easier.